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nftfw - Debian Package Install

nftfw can be installed from a Debian binary package, there is a zip file called in the package directory containing the most recent version. For safety, nftfw needs some configuration after installation. See the installation document Install nftfw from Debian package for a how-to guide.

Following Debian practice, the system is installed in the root of the file system, so the control files will be in /etc/nftfw with the library files in /var/lib/nftfw.

Getting started

This section presents the bare bones of installing the nftfw package on a vanilla system. To cope with some special circumstances, links in this document jump to sets of instructions which start after the main installation documentation.

Iptables check

First check that you can upgrade your system to run nftables:

If the output doesn't say nf_tables, then you need to swap your iptables version. See Switching iptables below, then come back here when you've done that.

Download the package

Download the zipfile containing the most recent debian binary package from nftfw github site. This will download a file ( used to hide the version number and running unzip on the file will yield the package. The filename of the package contains a version number and ends in .deb, for example nftfw_1.0.0-1_all.deb.

What to do if you are running a manually installed nftfw version

See Manually installed nftfw below, and return here when done.

Install the package

where XXXXX is the version number of the file you downloaded. dpkg doesn't install dependencies and may complain and stop. If this happens run:

which will install the dependencies and then install nftfw.

The dkpg -i command can also be used to update a previously installed package to a new version.

When installing nftfw, you will be asked if you want to change the ownership of the /etc/nftfw directory to allow configuration by a non-root user. When nftfw writes files under the directory it will take the ownership from the owner of /etc/nftfw. Debian's debconf is used to remember this setting for later updates, and you can change ownership after installation using:

What is installed?

The package will install:

  • the Python commands in /usr/bin: nftfw, nftfwls, nftfwedit and nftfwadm.
  • Control files in /etc/nftfw, unless they exist. The rule.d directory will be updated. The firewall is populated to permit access to commonly used services.
  • Basic directory structure in /usr/var/lib/nftfw.
  • Manual pages for the commands above, and section 5 manual pages for nftfw_config and nftfw_files.
  • Documentation and examples in /usr/share/doc/nftfw.
  • A cron file in /etc/cron.d/nftfw, this will need editing to make active.
  • systemd path file to enable monitoring of the directories in /etc/nftfw.

Many directories have README files explaining what is there and why.

Check nftfw is running

Check that it's running:

The number in the log is the process id, so will be different for you.

On first installation

See Taking precautions if you have a live firewall if your system is running a live iptables or nftables firewall, and you want to keep that active until nftfw is live and configured.

If you are running nftfw on a Sympl or Symbiosis system then you might want to migrate your current firewall settings into nftfw - see Migrating a Sympl or Symbiosis firewall below. It's a good idea to do this now, before starting systems that run nftfw automatically.

Loading the rules

Load the rules into the kernel:

nftfw will tell you what it's done.

Look at the nftables rules

for ipv4 and

for ipv6. Hint: this is a lot to type and you may want to use the commands again, so create and store shell aliases in your shell's .rc file for them.

In extremis, you can clear the rules with

Changing config.ini

The nftables.conf file is the input file for the nftables system and is what nftfw creates. For safety, the distributed version writes the file in /etc/nftfw/nftables.conf. The file here can be deleted. You need to tell nftfw to write the file in the correct place - in /etc.

Edit /etc/nftfw/config.ini to correctly site the nftables.conf file:

#  Location of system nftables.conf
#  more comments...
#  Usually /etc/nftables.conf
nftables_conf = /etc/nftables.conf

run nftfw to write the file, and also to load the kernel's nftables:

Start the nftables service

Check that nftables.service is running:

and if not:

Changing /etc/cron.d/nftfw

Edit the /etc/cron.d/nftfw file to make the working lines active, removing the '#' from the start of the lines containing cron commands.

Start the active control directories

making nftfw run when anything changes in the incoming.d, outgoing.d, blacklist.d, whitelist.d and blacknets.d directories in /etc.

Running on Sympl/Symbiosis?

Sympl has a cron job to reload its firewall and this must be removed. Move /etc/cron.d/sympl-firewall to a safe place, so you can re-install it if you want to revert to the distributed firewall system.

Also for Sympl, remove or move two links to /usr/sbin/sympl-firewall under /etc/network:

Symbiosis has similar files prefixed by symbiosis that should be removed or saved.

You are done

If you are new to nftfw, look at the How do I... document which has sections on how to add or remove firewall controls. It should get you going on how to configure the firewall. As distributed, nftfw allows access to most of the usual services supplied by a LAMP system.

You now have an active nftfw system and should look in /etc/nftfw to configure the various control directories to your system needs.

More complex scenarios

This section contains extra command sequences and information, that are referenced above for special circumstances.

Switching iptables

Here is what to do if iptables -V says 'legacy' and not 'nf_tables':

Run the sudo iptables -V again, to check things have switched, and

The last two commands are very important to clear out the old tables.

Back to Install the package

Precautions for a live firewall

If have a running nftables or iptables firewall, then it's a good idea to save its rules in nftfw's internal backup system so that the system will revert to your working firewall on a problem.

If you have a running firewall, save its rules first, and then load the nftfw rules:

Output should end with 'Install rules in ...' - wherever the config.ini file tells nftfw to store the nftables.conf file. The new rules will be installed in the kernel tables:

will list the ruleset which will have been changed by nftfw.

If you have a problem, revert to old rules:

if not

What's happening here? The first nftfwadm save saves the current settings into nftfw's backup file. In the event of nftfw failing, it will revert to the saved information. You can make this happen by using restore. When testing is over, it's also important to run the clean command, because nftfw won't create a safety backup file if one exists.

Back to Loading the rules

Migrating a Sympl or Symbiosis firewall

If you are installing nftfw on a Sympl or Symbiosis system then read this section.

The Debian package is supplied with a python script in /usr/share/doc/nftfw/import_tool. It can import all the firewall settings from incoming.d, outgoing.d, blacklist.d and whitelist.d into nftfw. The script contains a lot of built-in information and sample commands. The script is also available in the import_tool directory in the nftfw source release.

will give you the basic information. Running the output through less will help with seeing the output. When run with action arguments, the script will tell you what it intends to do. Arguments are needed to force it to write files. The idea is look and check, then write files by adding an argument. You'll need to use sudo to update things.


to see what rules will be used by the new firewall files. The script understands about the local.d directory and will flag up any local scripts that will need porting into the nftfw system.

Once you've updated the firewall, run nftfw to load the new settings:

you can check the rules using the nft commands

If are are here from the text above, return to Loading the rules. Otherwise, if you are upgrading a manually installed firewall, complete the end of Section 3 below.

Manually installed nftfw

There have been some small changes in the way that nftfw works that have been developed to make things simpler for users, and also to remove some of the lesser used features. Mostly, the package installs and expects its control files in /etc/nftfw and will use working files in /var/lib/nftfw.

There are a small number of steps that are needed to switch to the package version, the idea here is to retain a working firewall while you are upgrading.

1. Stop cron and systemd

The first thing to do is to stop the background processes that will fire up nftfw in the background.

First cron:

and then if you've loaded the systemd files as per the installation instructions:

2. Update your source distribution

You are going to need some scripts to help you to migrate and also later to remove the installed source distribution. You don't need (and shouldn't) install or update anything.

3. Are you using part of the Sympl/Symbiosis firewall?

The latest version of nftfw does not support nftfw_base in config.ini that used to point to /etc/{sympl,symbiosis}/firewall. If you are not using this feature, then skip to section 4.

Otherwise you need to unwind the linkage and ensure that all the nftfw information is derived from files in /usr/local/etc/nftfw. This can be done with the tool. The command will work to move the current settings from firewall into the directories in /usr/local/etc/nftfw. The help information in the tool talks about moving files into /etc/nftfw, but the tool will work to install files in /usr/local/etc/nftfw as long as /etc/nftfw doesn't exist. When using the tool, you won't need to update the database. See Migrating a Sympl or Symbiosis firewall above, then return to complete the para below.

Copy the new version of nftfw_init.nft from etc_nftfw in the source directory to /usr/local/etc/nftfw. There are some recent changes in this file. Having updated /usr/local/etc/nftfw, you can edit config.ini to remove or comment out the definition for nftfw_base and your current version of nftfw can be used to update the firewall. If you want to check that it's all working as expected:

can be used to test loading from the source files without affecting the firewall.

4. Delete the nftfw_ installation

Return to the source distribution and run:

It will search for what's installed and where on your system, and ask if you want to delete it.

  • On the first run, say 'y' to the dry-run question, it will print the commands that it intends to run.
  • To retain the control directories, answer 'no' to 'Remove nftfw controls'. Cautious people may like to backup the two control directories to say /tmp before running the script.
  • Say 'yes' to all the other questions.

The script will ask you to confirm your selection before actually doing the deletion deed.

5. Move your directories

nftfw will find the files the next time it's run.

6. Ready for package installation now

The package will install several new and amended rules in /etc/nftfw/rule.d. It's also a good idea to remove /etc/nftfw/config.ini and /etc/nftfw/nftfw_init.ini before installing the package. They will be reinstalled from up-to-date versions.

The new versions ensure that the rules match the nftfw_init.nft template. Also, importantly, the installed config.ini will not make nftfw write into /etc/nftables.conf until you edit the value. The installation will write its versions in /etc/nftfw/nftables.conf, which can be deleted later. The config.ini file will need editing as part on the commissioning process to make nftfw install the file in /etc.

If things go wrong, you can always load the firewall settings from /etc/nftables.conf using:

Return to Install the package.