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nftfw - Getting CIDR Lists

You will want to get hold of lists of IP addresses if you want to use the blacknets feature of nftfw (v0.7.0 or later) to block access from certain countries or IP address ranges. If you want to use this system, check that the version of nftfw you have installed is configured to support it, see How to check nftfw supports_blacknets at bottom of this page.

To use blacknets, you need a file or files containing IP networks, one per line, using 'CIDR' notation. See Wikipedia if you need more information on CIDR.

There are several sources for lists of networks by country, I've used two.

This company, based in the Isle of Man, has been collating IP addresses for many years. They offer a free download of IP addresses per country in several formats aimed at different applications. Visit their page Block Visitors by Country Using Firewall and scroll to the bottom of the page for the form.

There are three drop-down menus: choose the country, select IPv6, and CIDR and click DOWNLOAD. The file will be downloaded to your machine.

Place the file in blacknets.d, remembering to add .nets as the file suffix.

The IPv6 file contains all the IPv4 addresses, and nftfw's reader will convert the addresses into the correct format.

The downside of this is that you have to download the file by hand, but it's easy to use as a starter.

Maxmind Geolocation

If you've installed the GeoLite2 database from Maxmind to assist with identifying countries with nftfwls, then with some little work you can access their country database and also have your system refresh it once a week.

Step 1 - Getting the Maxmind database

The script you are about to install looks for your MaxMind license information in /etc/GeoIP.conf, so you need to install the Geolocation system first, see Installing Geolocation.

You'll need wget, so

Navigate to the nftfw release and find the cidrlist directory. Install the shell script getgeocountry that pulls the database from MaxMind:

run it

The script will have created several files, culminating in GeoLite2-Country.db containing an sqlite3 database made from the downloaded information.

Make this script run once a week by placing a line in the cron file provided as part of the geoipupdate package. Edit /etc/cron.d/geoipupdate adding:

I run mine an hour after the weekly run of geoipupdate, so please do choose the hour and minute to be different from the world.

Step 2 - Creating the country CIDR file

Return to the nftfw distribution and find the cidrlist directory again. The getcountrynet script uses the database installed in Step 1 to create a country CIDR file. Install the script:

The USER.USER here should be whoever owns the /etc/nftfw directory (may be /usr/local/etc/nftfw on your machine). I've installed my command file in this directory on the grounds of 'keeping everything together', but you can put it anywhere that's convenient.

Now run the script as the owner of the directory or use sudo and change ownership afterwards. To run, you can give it any number of two letter ISO country codes and it will create a matching file in blacknets.d.

will create files called GB.nets and fr.nets in blacknets.d. Remember that file systems are case-dependent, so choose your capitalisation and stick with it. I'm assuming you replace the arguments with a country or countries that you want to block.

If you are confident that you've got an appropriate version of nftfw (see below), you can now install the new tables, prudently running a test first:

All being well, you can then install the new tables:

Finally tell cron to run the getcountrynet script. Again, I've added a new line to the /etc/cron.d/geoipupdate adding:

the USER should be whoever owns the files, and the arguments should match the ones you typed in earlier.

How to check nftfw supports blacknets

The blacknets feature from v0.7.0 of nftfw requires a change in the firewall template file /etc/nftfw/nftfw_init.nft. You may need to check you've updated the nftfw_init.nft file before running nftfw with the CIDR files. This file requires updating by hand, and you may have not installed it.

It the file doesn't contain the string blacknets, then you need to update it.

If the command gives no output, check the copy of the file in the etc_nftfw directory using grep.

If this gives output, then copy the originals file over your running version, carefully re-applying any changes you've made.

If there is no output from grep on the copy in etc_nftfw, you need to update your nftfw installation to a version after v0.7.0. See Updating nftfw.

General notes

You can create as many files as you like in blacknets.d as long as they are in the correct format. To remove a set from the firewall, simply remove the file.

The files can contain a lot of IP addresses, and processing them can take some time. The reader will cope with automatic detection of IPv4 and IPv6, the conversion of IPv4 addresses when expressed in IPv6 format (which uses), and the removal of some addresses that look like networks but are not. It will also remove duplicates and compresses the IP list down to a set of unique networks. It's possible to run CIDR files from both of the sources shown in this document, and reduce them to a minimal set.

Generally, the files in blacknets.d change rarely, so nftfw will cache processed information on the first reading of the files and will read from the cache when it needs the data to build the firewall. The cache is always reloaded when files in blacknets.d alter or come and go. In addition, the -f flag to nftfw will clear the cache and start again.